
Saturday, April 10, 2010


At last , kuning is the last one.. try our best next year ! xD I'll participate all the acara-acara ! no matter what they judge me ! I'll prove it that WINNIE CAN RUN EVEN FASTER THAN YOU !

I'm happy that finally sukan is over ! I don't need to do all the sukan's thingy until midnight. I can focus on my homeworks. and do what i like ! Art-ing isn't my hobby ! my recent hobby is STUDY :P As the teachers say , mid year's exam is just around the corner. Time wouldn't wait me and give chances to me for doing my revision. I'm sooooo gonna study now. no no no . later i meant. I'm going to celebrate someone's birthday ! it's a suprise party ! xD .
winnie perlu belajar bersunguh-sunguh supaya dia tidak akan dipandang enteng oleh PEOPLE who around her !

YEAH ! I'm FREEEEEE NOW ! it's so tiring and relaxing ! ><


ashsweets said...

i think u r a very friendly and funny gal and the text typed are pretty hilarious :)

Winnie luv u` said...